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Major Declaration Forms

24-25 B.A. Curriculum Plan Template for New Majors

This form is used to create a proposed curriculum plan as part of the declaration process for a Bachelor of Arts in STS.

Go to the 24-25 B.A. Curriculum Plan Template for New Majors

24-25 B.S. Curriculum Plan Template for New Majors

This form is used to create a proposed curriculum plan as part of the declaration process for a Bachelor of Science in STS.

Go to the 24-25 B.S. Curriculum Plan Template for New Majors

Student Consent to Release Information Form

As a condition of being a student at Stanford, the University may photograph you in public areas and use those images to support its educational mission. This form asks for your consent to use images on publications, websites, and on displays in public areas for official use by STS. Do not submit the form until you have met with the STS SSO.

Go to the Student Consent to Release Information Form

Individual Curriculum Package Policy Form

The Program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program that allows you the flexibility to design an individual curriculum package around your academic interests within the field of STS. This form states student curriculum plans are reviewed and approved as a whole package and all future course changes are subject to the approval of the STS Associate Director and Student Services Officer. Do not submit this form until you have met with the STS SSO.

Go to the Individual Curriculum Package Policy Form

Faculty Advisor Selection Form

Complete this form to help the STS staff select a Faculty Advisor that will best support you. With the information provided we will select an appropriate match between you and an STS affiliated faculty member. Please note that we cannot guarantee you'll be matched with one of your top 3 choices but we will do our best. Do not submit the form until you have met the STS SSO.

Go to the Faculty Advisor Selection Form