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How to Declare

Explore the STS curriculum and take STS 1

PRIOR to declaring STS, we recommend:

  • Use the STS website: Examine the Program Core courses, concentrations, and major requirements to identify possible courses that connect with your academic interests.
  • Take STS 1: It is strongly recommended that you complete our introductory course, STS 1: Introduction to Science, Technology & Society, before declaring the major. This course introduces core concepts in the field and provides a foundation for future work.
Create a Curriculum Plan and meet with a Peer Advisor

To start the declaration process, students must:

  • Create a Curriculum Plan: Using the STS website, as well as the help of the peer advisors (next step), draft a proposed curriculum plan using either the B.A. Curriculum Plan Template  or the B.S. Curriculum Plan Template. Your classes should exhibit some cohesion within your chosen concentration. Though it is encouraged, you do not need to have a completed curriculum plan prior to meeting with a peer advisor as they will be able to help you create one. If you have completed or started your proposed curriculum plan, please email it to sts-advisors [at] (subject: My%20STS%20Curriculum%20Plan, body: Dear%20STS%20Peer%20Advisor%2C) (sts-advisors[at]stanford[dot]edu) before attending office hours.
  • Talk with a Peer Advisor: The STS Peer Advisors are current STS seniors who have firsthand knowledge of the program and will guide you in drafting a curriculum plan. They are a great resource when it comes to choosing a concentration, navigating classes, and learning about the experience of being an STS major, so please do not hesitate to seek their advice! Once the Peer Advisor verifies that your plan meets all STS requirements, they will let you know the next steps to complete your required forms and schedule a declaration appointment with the Student Services Officer.

** The declaration process does not happen same-day. It typically takes a week, depending on the volume of applications we receive, it could take longer. As the peer advisors are not available during summer, it is encouraged to have your curriculum form approved by a peer advisor before the end of Week 9, Spring Quarter. If you miss getting that approved, please make an appointment with the SSO, during summer quarter.

Make an appointment with the Student Services Officer

Make an appointment with the Student Services Officer: After meeting with the Peer Advisors, email the Student Services Officer to make a major declaration appointment. You must appear in person to declare. At your appointment, the SSO will do a preliminary scan of your curriculum form and explain the next steps.

Submit forms and wait for final approval from STS

To complete the declaration process, students will need to:

  1. Complete declaration forms: After meeting with the Student Services Officer, you will need to fill out the STS declaration forms. The required declaration forms are the Student Consent to Release Information Form, the Individual Curriculum Package Policy Form, and the Faculty Advisor Selection Form.
  2. Declare in Axess: Please log into Axess and declare STS as a major (drop-down menu on the left hand side of the Student Center page). Make sure you select the appropriate option for BA or BS.
  3. Wait for Associate Director’s final approval: If Associate Director, Dr. Sato, has comments or concerns about your curriculum plan she will either provide suggestions of how to strengthen your curriculum or ask that you meet with her to discuss it.
  4. Meet with your Faculty Advisor: After your curriculum is tentatively approved, the Associate Director and SSO will discuss your preferences from the Faculty Advisor Selection Form and match you with an affiliated faculty member who will sign off on your curriculum plan and serve as an intellectual mentor. The faculty advisor's role is to help students consider their academic goals, refine their career aspirations, and/or identify research opportunities.
After Declaring

Throughout your academic career as an STS major:

As an STS major you must notify STS of all of your curriculum changes and updates prior to completing courses.  While courses within your concentration may be on the approved course list, they might not create the clear narrative that we require of all our majors.  All change requests must be submitted via the appropriate form in the first two weeks of the applicable quarter for review. Review the STS Program Polices as you are held accountable for the information as a major.

Please note: our declaration process can take a week or two to complete, so plan accordingly. You are encouraged to have your curriculum from approved by a Peer Advisor before the end of week 9 of Spring quarter in order to declare before summer. For questions or concerns before or during the process, please reach out to our Student Services Officer.