Catastrophic Risks and Solutions (CRS)

This concentration allows students to focus on understanding, anticipating, communicating, and reducing large-scale catastrophic risks, defined as threats to large cities, regions, ethnic groups, entire societies, human civilization, or humanity itself. Examples include climate change, pandemics, ecosystem collapse, famine, nuclear war, genocide, earthquakes, asteroid impacts, and uncontrolled or hostile artificial intelligence. Students in this concentration will choose one or several such risks and define a plan of study that includes analysis, tools for understanding, and current knowledge of how they might be solved or reduced in scale and scope. Examples of analysis and tools for understanding include scientific approaches (statistics, modeling), social science approaches (psychology, anthropology, or sociology of risk), and humanistic studies (history, philosophy, fiction, film, art).
STS Concentration Area Requirements
- 4 (BS) or 8 (BA) Socio-cultural courses from the approved course list for the selected concentration area. Your list must include 3 courses from the Concentration Core.
4 (BA) or 8 (BS) Technical courses from the approved course list for the selected concentration area
- A cohesive overall theme, or two, that articulate how your Concentration Core and Sociocultural courses help you to critically examine your Technical courses.
50+ units; 12 course minimum. Note that the 50-unit requirement may require taking additional courses and that approved courses may not be approved for your specific concentration, if your curriculum does not achieve the above requirements as a whole.
Don't forget the Major Requirements : As for all concentrations, students will need to fulfill the Program Core course requirement (26+ units; 8 course minimum with grade C minimum).
Socio-Cultural Courses (4 BS/8 BA)
STS Sociocultural Courses
Provide historical, social, cultural and/or political context for specific areas of science and technology in each concentration
May include STS Program Core or Concentration Core courses not used to fulfill those requirements
Electives must be part of a cohesive plan approved by the STS Associate Director
See major requirements for more information
Franzese, L. (GP)
Tascioglu, M. (GP)
Magnus, D. (PI)
Mkrtchyan, G. (TA)
Kashanchi, R. (TA)
Wang, X. (TA)
Damerla, R. (TA)
Bot, V. (TA)
Edozie, B. (TA)
Gragg, D. (PI)
Stasio, K. (PI)
Riemersma, D. (TA)
Lyu, L. (TA)
Storch, M. (TA)
Dachille, J. (GP)
Gragg, D. (PI)
Stasio, K. (PI)
Dachille, J. (GP)
Kinslow, A. (PI)
Cain, B. (PI)
Edwards, P. (PI)
Azevedo, I. (PI)
Yribarren, S. (PI)
Venukanthan, S. (PI)
Arrigo, I. (PI)
Hua, K. (PI)
Buday, E. (PI)
de Meira Borba, N. (TA)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Montague, D. (PI)
Polk, E. (PI)
Dirzo, R. (PI)
Lee, H. (PI)
Wong, C. (TA)
Rau, T. (TA)
Passmore, M. (TA)
Swidey, N. (PI)
Balogun, A. (PI)
Paez Pulido, V. (PI)
Montague, D. (PI)
Stone, M. (TA)
Yang, M. (TA)
Stedman, S. (PI)
Jackson, R. (PI)
Kaplan, J. (PI)
Patrick, B. (TA)
Damian, M. (TA)
Kahl, C. (PI)
Edwards, P. (PI)
Blank, S. (PI)
Volmar, E. (PI)
Zehfuss, F. (TA)
Phillips, H. (TA)
Clute, Z. (TA)
Hoshino-Macdonald, K. (TA)
Leonard, D. (TA)
Johnston, E. (TA)
Materna, M. (TA)
Pumerantz, A. (TA)
Yeager, J. (TA)
Rand, L. (PI)
Clute, Z. (TA)
Hoshino-Macdonald, K. (TA)
Leonard, D. (TA)
Johnston, E. (TA)
Veidis, E. (PI)
De Leo, G. (PI)
Luby, S. (PI)
Gomez, L. (TA)
Dunlop, J. (TA)
Barrie, F. (TA)
Yu, A. (TA)
Mayse, E. (PI)
Frame, S. (TA)
Concentration Core (CC) Courses: 3 required for BA/BS
STS Concentration Core courses
CC, formerly Foundational
- Are specifically designated sociocultural courses directly relevant to the chosen STS concentration
- Provide students with tools to critically engage with the knowledge and skills they are learning in their technical courses
- Cannot be double-counted with student’s choice of Program Core courses
- Cannot be substituted or petitioned
Edwards, P. (PI)
Yribarren, S. (PI)
Venukanthan, S. (PI)
Arrigo, I. (PI)
Hua, K. (PI)
Buday, E. (PI)
de Meira Borba, N. (TA)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Frame, S. (TA)
Technical Courses (4 BA/8 BS)
STS Technical Courses
Courses involving lab work, engineering problems, coding, or other technical work in science, technology, or medicine
Help build technical knowledge and skills relevant to the chosen concentration
Students seeking the B.S. degree take more of these
The majority of Technical Electives should be a sequence (or two sequences) of increasingly advanced levels. In general, introductory courses with little technical content will not be approved.
At least one sequence should be accompanied by either Concentration Core or Sociocultural Electives that allow you to examine and analyze its context and social consequences
Kinslow, A. (PI)
Perez, J. (TA)
Connelly, M. (TA)
Ridgeway-Elsner, M. (PI)
Abulhasan, A. (TA)
Lesh, A. (TA)
Park, M. (TA)
Miao, B. (TA)
Cai, Y. (TA)
Forbes, G. (TA)
Chua, C. (TA)
Young, P. (PI)
Nguyen, N. (TA)
Nguyen, N. (TA)
Gregg, C. (PI)
Coronado, J. (TA)
Gregg, C. (PI)
Coronado, J. (TA)
Linhares-Huang, C. (TA)
Bhoj, P. (TA)
Young, P. (PI)
Durumeric, Z. (PI)
Fan, C. (TA)
Sadigh, D. (PI)
Belkhale, S. (TA)
Hejna, J. (TA)
Grannen, J. (TA)
Mirchandani, S. (GP)
Gao, J. (TA)
Lee, A. (TA)
Obbad, E. (TA)
Wang, C. (TA)
Egan, N. (TA)
So, J. (TA)
Frausto, J. (TA)
Bhateja, C. (TA)
Salahi, K. (TA)
O'Brien, J. (TA)
Srinivasan, S. (TA)
Lin, C. (TA)
Kim, J. (TA)
Varshney, P. (TA)
Yang, S. (TA)
Yang, D. (PI)
Wu, Z. (TA)
Shaikh, O. (TA)
Choi, H. (TA)
Chang, J. (TA)
Cheng, M. (TA)
Lee, A. (TA)
Singh, J. (TA)
Wu, F. (TA)
Deepak, A. (TA)
Xie, L. (TA)
Bunnapradist, E. (TA)
Wei, A. (TA)
Akoush, B. (TA)
Wang, J. (TA)
Varshney, P. (TA)
Huang, J. (TA)
Fu, Y. (TA)
Gu, C. (TA)
Shao, Y. (TA)
Jiang, M. (TA)
Arora, A. (TA)
Ding, Z. (TA)
Tao, J. (TA)
Patel, A. (TA)
Zhang, X. (TA)
Singh, J. (TA)
Witzel, Z. (TA)
Huang, K. (TA)
Wu, L. (TA)
Khandelwal, P. (TA)
Xu, M. (TA)
Aniva, L. (TA)
Hua, H. (TA)
Grover, K. (TA)
Jin, M. (TA)
Kanatsoulis, C. (GP)
Guestrin, C. (PI)
Ng, A. (PI)
Sahoo, R. (TA)
Band, N. (TA)
Chen, E. (TA)
Charles, S. (TA)
Zhang, P. (TA)
Li, R. (TA)
Chi, R. (TA)
Marx, C. (TA)
Zhang, B. (TA)
Narayanan, T. (TA)
Irgau, M. (TA)
Fifty, C. (TA)
Dai, T. (TA)
Ding, Z. (TA)
Koyejo, S. (PI)
Patel, A. (TA)
So, J. (TA)
Hamid, J. (TA)
Frausto, J. (TA)
Chen, T. (TA)
Fu, Z. (TA)
Khandelwal, P. (TA)
Irgau, M. (TA)
Weng, S. (TA)
Guan, A. (TA)
Bakhtiar, A. (TA)
Chekuri, S. (TA)
Wu, Z. (TA)
Wang, Z. (TA)
Oh, M. (TA)
Nayak, S. (TA)
Katanforoosh, K. (PI)
Choi, H. (TA)
Chang, J. (TA)
Lim, J. (TA)
Mousavi, S. (TA)
Ganesh, R. (TA)
Akoush, B. (TA)
Afsharrad, A. (TA)
Jaladi, S. (TA)
Ni, C. (TA)
Adeli, E. (PI)
Durante, Z. (TA)
Lorch, O. (TA)
Narayanan, T. (TA)
Argyropoulos, A. (TA)
Boneh, D. (PI)
Glenn, A. (TA)
Lyu, L. (TA)
Durlofsky, L. (PI)
Azevedo, I. (PI)
Ruiz, M. (TA)
Worden, M. (TA)
McCormick, E. (TA)
Gates, R. (PI)
Moanga, D. (PI)
Gates, R. (TA)
Moanga, D. (PI)
Wilson, E. (PI)
Lyu, L. (TA)
Durlofsky, L. (PI)
Azevedo, I. (PI)
Azevedo, I. (PI)
Avina, R. (TA)
Castillo, O. (TA)
M, D. (TA)
Worden, M. (TA)
McCormick, E. (TA)
Wadkowski, K. (PI)
Moanga, D. (PI)
White, E. (PI)
Sow, M. (GP)
Dieringer, T. (PI)
Medvedeva, N. (PI)
Ophus, C. (PI)
Sarmasarkar, S. (TA)
Gupta, M. (TA)
Durand-Allize, A. (TA)
Not Currently Offered Courses
These courses are approved for one or more the STS concentrations but are not offered this academic year. You may find tabbing back to previous academic years in Explore Courses is helpful to see when courses have been offered historically. STS does not determine when courses in other departments will be offered as course offerings are at the discretion of the departments who own them.