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STS Intersect Journal

Intersect is an international Science, Technology, and Society research journal run by undergraduate students at Stanford University and supported by the Program in STS at Stanford. It publishes research and scholarship on the social factors that shapes, underwrites, and/or inhibits research and invention, just as these social forces are, in turn, shaped by evolving science and technology. It welcomes undergraduate, graduate, and PhD submissions at the intersection of history, culture, sociology, art, literature, business, law, health, and design with science and technology. The journal's submissions are not exclusive to Stanford affiliates and generally span several continents. 

Intersect publishes online quarterly at and is regularly cited in Google Scholar. Intersect is an open access journal, meaning it provides free public access to its content to support a greater global exchange of knowledge. Intersect tries to publish three times during each academic year, at the end of Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

Types of Submissions

Research Articles: These articles report on original research conducted by the authors or are review articles that synthesize, organize and draw conclusions about a field of research. They should be 4,000-6,000 words in length, including the bibliography, with tables and figures welcomed.

Papers/Essays: Very similar to research articles, though can be grounded in areas other than research. Papers written for classes are welcomed.

Thesis Chapters: Excerpts from honors theses written for departmental or interdisciplinary honors programs. All references within an excerpt must be fully documented.

Book Reviews: Reviews of recent and older books of relevance and import for the field of STS are welcomed. Reviews, of close to 1,000 words, should be headed by complete bibliographic information on the book, including price. They should take a position on the book's contribution to STS, considering the work's value and relevance, its style and method, as well as its shortcomings. These reviews are intended to serve as a helpful guide for our principal audience of students in this field.

Editorials: Opinion-oriented works that take a position on issues in STS (typically less research-intensive than articles).

Interviews: Edited transcript of interview with expert in STS about an STS-related issue. Should include a short bio of the interviewee, including name, title, position, research/focus area, and other relevant information.

Multimedia: Design-intensive works (for example, videos, web sites, user interfaces, technology design projects), with a description of creation process and relevance to STS included.