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Jeffrey Alexander

Jeffrey Alexander
Class of

I've been working in Washington, DC on policy and management issues related  to emerging technologies for over 25 years--starting soon after finishing at  Stanford! Along the way, I worked in market research and strategy consulting  for international telecommunications and IT firms, advised government  agencies in the U.S. and abroad on public technology programs and innovation  promotion, and interviewed corporate R&D executives to learn how the private  sector manages its research organizations. I also earned my Ph.D. in  Management and Technology from The George Washington University, focusing on  the dynamics of R&D collaborations involving government, university, and  industry participants.  Also during that time, I married my wife, Robyn (also  Stanford Class of 1990), and moved to the suburbs where we live with our four  children (one of whom is off at college, with a second headed off in the  fall). 

Currently, I am Senior Manager for Innovation Policy in the Washington, DC  office of RTI International (aka the Research Triangle Institute), a  non-profit research corporation in the Raleigh-Durham area. I lead  research-oriented projects funded via contracts and grants from the federal  government and other entities. My current areas of work include designing  national innovation policy in developing nations; evaluating the scientific,  technical, and economic impact of R&D funding programs, measurement of  innovation activities at regional and national levels, and novel uses of  machine learning and text analytics to conduct policy analysis and impact  assessments.  You can find my professional bio here.